Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Matt (a little late)

Matt turned 28 last week and I forgot to post about it. He (I think)had a good day, he did have to work and then we got together with some family and friends and went to the Olive Garden. And just in case anyone was wondering where our kids get their blonde hair from, it is from Matt 100%.

This is my favorite picture of Matt, and I love that my kids now have the same pouty lip as him:)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Matt and Zach mapping out the course.

Getting the bike started.

Good to go.

He is doing awesome.

Zachary is doing awesome on his new dirt bike. The first day he got it he got right on and took off. He now can start it and take off on his own, no help needed.

Need I say more!

So what do you get after a blue popsicle and paint? A really messy, sticky and painted little girl.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

New cousin

Zoey and Her new baby cousin Leah. Grandma bought them matching outfits and Zoey was so excited to have her picture with them on. Although I dont think Leah was as thrilled.

Zachary wanted to have his picture taken too. They both LOVE her, they want to hold her all the time.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Splash Pad

The kids needed a rest after a long day at the splash pad.

Fourth of July

These are the clothes I bought the kids for the Fourth of July. These are some of the pictures I took on Sunday before church.


I love the look on their faces in this picture. We were waiting for the fireworks to start.

Zoey was soooo excited for the fireworks.

Fourth of July (Saturday)

We didn't do much for the 4th of July. Saturday we just let the kids swim for a little bit. They were so excited to wear their matching swim suits.

ZaChArY's new trick

This is Zachary's new trick. He loves doing flips in and out of the pool.