I saw this on Candice's blog, it looked kinda fun.
I am... stressed about finances way too much.
I think...it will all get better.
I know...we will be together forever.
I want...the very best for my kids.
I have... the best kids in the world.
I wish... the world was safer for my kids.
I hate...not being able to go on vacations more.
I miss...my babies being babies, they grow up too fast.
I fear... one day my kids will try something they shouldn't.
I feel...like my life is crazy most the time.
I hear... Lazytown on T.V. (cartoons).
I smell... Scrambled eggs (breakfast).
I wonder... What my kids will be like when they grow up.
I regret...not being more involved in high school.
I love...hugs and kisses from my babies.
I always...tell my husband and kids I love them.
I am not...the most patient person.
I believe...One day we will all be happy.
I don't always...make my bed.
I win...only if I play by myself.
I lose...almost every game I play.
I never...sleep home alone.
I listen...to advice from everyone.
I am scared of...someone breaking into my house and kidnapping my kids.
I read...story books mostly.
I am happy about...everything in my life, I couldn't ask for more.